Inexorably Drawn
An unofficial, for-charity fanzine dedicated to the romantic relationship between Zagreus and Thanatos from Supergiant Games’ Hades.Icon created by KetsuArting.
Digital orders available here!
Carrd last updated 8/13/2022
WHAT IS A FANZINE?• A fanzine is a fan-made magazine put together by fans of a particular subject. Zines can be centered around anything from music to movies to anime to original content.
WHAT IS THE THEME OF THIS FANZINE?• This fanzine will be a collection of art and writings focused on the romantic relationship between Zagreus and Thanatos from Supergiant Games' Hades. Content will be split evenly between canonverse and AU settings.
WILL OTHER SHIPS BE ALLOWED?• Other ships (including polyships) may be alluded to so long as Thanzag remains the primary focus.
IS THIS ZINE FOR PROFIT OR CHARITY?• This zine will be for charity! After production, all profits will be donated to the Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR).
IS THIS PROJECT IN LINE WITH SUPERGIANT'S MERCH POLICY?• Supergiant has stated that projects for charity are allowed, and do not require their permission. You can read their tweet about it here. Read Supergiant's official fan merch policy here.
WILL NSFW CONTENT BE ALLOWED?• No NSFW content will be featured in the main zine. A digital NSFW add-on, "Behind the Darkened Mirror," will be available for optional purchase. All content in this add-on will be consensual (no non-con or dub-con).• Canon-typical subjects to the Hades game such as combat, violence, and death will be permitted.
HOW MANY APPLICANTS ARE YOU ACCEPTING?• We're aiming to accept 27 page artists, 5 writers, 2 poets, and 7 merch artists. These numbers are subject to slight change based on applications received and project needs.
DO I NEED PRIOR ZINE EXPERIENCE TO APPLY?• No, prior zine experience is not required.
IS THERE AN AGE REQUIREMENT TO JOIN?• All mods for this zine need to be 18 years or older at the time of applying. For contributors, you must be 16 years or older by the end of the application phase.• All contributors for the NSFW add-on will be 18 years or older. The Discord server will be designed to make sure minors do not come into contact with any NSFW content over the course of the project.
HOW WILL CONTRIBUTORS BE COMPENSATED?• All contributors will receive the digital bundle of the zine free of charge. Should profits allow, contributors may also receive zine booklets and merch for free or have the option to purchase these items at production price.
CAN I CONTRIBUTE TO THE NSFW ADD-ON ONLY?• We will not be accepting contributors specifically for this add-on. Instead, all accepted contributors who are 18 years or older will have the option to contribute to this add-on if they wish.
CAN I APPLY FOR MORE THAN ONE POSITION?• You are allowed to apply to multiple positions. However, if you are selected as a contributor, you will only be selected for one role.
WILL YOU HAVE GUEST CONTRIBUTORS?• Yes, there will be guests contributors. Guests will be selected by mods and by suggestions from our interest check. Guests will not impact the amount of contributors accepted through applications.

Social Media and Head Mod
Hello! I'm Marriedthedark (or Married for short), and I've been doing zines for over two years now. I've acted previously as a writer contributor, writer mod, and shipping mod, but this will be my first time running a zine as head mod! I adore everything about Zag and Than's relationship from their aesthetics to their mutual pining, and I'm ready to give my all to make sure this zine is the best it can possibly be!

Writing and Beta Mod
I'm Regi, new to the zine community but an avid fan! I've previously contributed as a writer to a few zines and also served as a writer mod for a few more. I love everything about Hades, especially Than and Zag's relationship, and am excited to bring this zine to life while contributing to a good cause in the process!

Formatting and Art Mod
Philosophy and art history student currently at cowboy school. I read books, do art, ride horses, and wanna become a lighthouse keeper when I grow up. Polyship advocate and mafia au enthusiast. Might or might not have started playing Hades after reading a ThanZag fic.

Graphics Mod
Over-worked, over-caffinated, Over-excited.

Finance Mod
I'm just a zine-hoarding, multi-fandom gremlin.